Needless to say, not everyone has an even platform on the territory of their summer cottage. Sometimes people come across multi -level sites, which require a beautiful connection. Of course, there are people that they are trying to align the difference in height, however, this will not be a very profitable and dubious venture. Therefore, for some we see bizarre ladles on the site, which with the right calculations look incredibly beautiful. In order to equip your phasend, you do not have to buy very expensive materials. Some make steps even from improvised materials, and with the correct design they get a unique design.
Since the cottage is usually outside the city, the options are quite adequate … hemps. Yes, you were not mistaken! You need to choose logs of different sizes, be sure to process their antiseptics and build your ladder. For its base, they usually take a radial stone and sand. Provided that you need a strong and wide design, it makes sense to put several stumps in a row. There are also dreamers that make steps to different legs not at the same level. Of course, in order to have ease of use, you will have to calculate a complex formula. But, in the final result, you will have a very beautiful and high -quality staircase. Do not forget that you will not be enough with a septic tank alone. It is best to cover the final result with paint in order to accurately forget about the decay and damage of wood. At the same time, you can change the design from time to time, thereby achieving some seasonal updates on the site.
By the way, not everyone wants to bother with some special appearance, therefore they try to put a staircase from concrete blocks. Of course, this is very convenient, since you will get a strong base, which will last you a rather long time. So that the steps themselves do not catch your eye, they usually make deepening under them. Then special blocks made of concrete are laid on a monolithic pillow.
If the owner has a skill in the masonry of bricks, that is, the options for using it when building a stairs. Without any knowledge, you can not cope with this yourself. Because the brick is put in several layers, while mixed technology is used. Usually, along with all the risers and other levels, you will get three rows.