Nowadays, buying inexpensive plastic windows is not problems, for example, Veka windows. Competent care for plastic windows is the advance that they will reward you with a long service. Moreover, in any enormous efforts in relation to themselves, they do not need. Firstly, unlike their wooden brothers, plastic windows need sinks only 2 sides, not 4. This is a good “plus” for homeowners who always value time and effort. But, it is necessary to remember: the glass must be washed with delicate material from the flannel soaked in soapy water. The exploitation of hard materials can harm their surface, and replace the glass as in a wooden window, only removing the glazing stacks, in the case of plastic windows it will not work.
For washing windows, you can use special means, which manufacturers advise washing not only glass, but the entire plastic structure. In addition, in supermarkets you can purchase special detergents, which include the means necessary for seals and accessories. The price of such sets is very high, so Domozhozheyev always resort to the help of simple means. For example, “penny” glycerol can be oil seals, and accessories can be oil with simple petroleum jelly. Professionals advise performing this procedure 1-2 times a year to maintain the life of a plastic structure.
And one more optimal detail: the places where the windows made of plastic are installed require constant ventilation. Due to the tightness of the windows, the natural microventilation of the room is destroyed, because of which moisture does not evaporate through the cracks, but settles on double-glazed windows with condensate. To reduce dampness, just ventilate the room. From time to time, look at the drainage channels made in plastic windows. If they are littered, then condensate will accumulate inside the cameras, and in large frosts it can cause the appearance of windows. Therefore, the cleaning of the “drainage” from dirt and dust should be regular and frequent.
However, there are things that can greatly reduce the life of plastic windows. There is an opinion that polyvinyl chloride is allegedly considered very resistant to external factors of the influence of material and can extend the appearance for a very long time, there are additives for it. The main ones are alkalis, abrasive materials and acids that are in the composition of many cleaners. If you rinse the window with such a solution – the plastic is covered with small scratches, stains and will be rough, and soon it will become brittle and fragile. This tool can also destroy window compressors: the solvent destroys the rubber. It is categorically impossible as a detergent for a profile to use gasoline, alcohol, acetone or agents, which include chlorine: they kill the upper layer and give a chance to break the window structure. The inconsistency and tenderness in the care of the windows of plastic is what will give them a long life.