Hello dear readers of the site, today we will talk about laying ceramic tiles on the floor.
Ceramic tiles for the floor can be of various shapes and colors. One of the main differences in the varieties of tiles is the presence or absence of glaze. Unglazed tiles are typical for bathrooms and kitchens. The reason is simple: unglazed tiles provide better adhesion to the floor in damp conditions. To prevent the appearance of stains on the tiles every year or after a year, a sealant is applied.
Mark the marking using a cord with a colored chalk. Then spread the area on which you can lay the tile before the glue dries (see see. packaging instructions). Distribute the adhesive composition with a jagged scrap, holding it at an angle of 45 °.
Press each tile to the floor and move a little so that the glue is smeared over its entire surface. Make sure that the seams are even.
With the help of a bars and hammer, the tile to the floor upholstered. Do it every few rows. The bar should be located simultaneously on several tiles.
Когда клей подсохнет, прочистите швы мягким веником или пылесосом, а затем смешайте раствор и с помощью полутерка заполните швы. All seams must be filled.
To remove the excess solution, draw a half -terrible at an angle of 45 ° on the tile. Do not press too much so as not to squeeze the solution from the seam and so that you do not have to apply it with another layer.
Rinse the remaining solution with clean water and sponge. Rinse the solution with circular motions, often rinsing the sponge and changing water. As soon as you wash the tile thoroughly, let it dry, and then wipe it with a clean dry rag.
Using a roller, apply a sealant layer to unglazed tiles, guided by the instructions on the packaging. Apply a sealant by roller at an angle of 45 ° – so the sealant gets better on the seams. The sealant is applied to the glazed tile only to the seams with the help of a brush.
In general, if you already started the repair of a bathroom or kitchen, then the tile interior in Moscow will be an excellent assistant in the purchase of high -quality building material, which will competently fit into the design of your apartment or house.
Tools and materials
Rubber half ate
The jagged scraper
Soft fabric
Titting cutter
Picking for tiles
Small brush
Switching tool and toothbrush
A roller and a tray
Liquid solution
Solvent for paint
Grout for seams
Bar 5 x 10 cm 30 cm long, upholstered in a soft cloth