Build a house on your own, the task for real men who do not graze difficulties, confident in their abilities. If you are accustomed to think widely, then your home will certainly consist of several floors, have a high roof fashionable for today, from modern roofing materials, which are relatively not expensive, but persistent, durable and that have a very attractive appearance.
Modern houses rarely find one -story, so you need to think about the stairs. There are many options here, your fantasy plays the main role. Stairs are wide or narrow, straight or expanding to the bottom, or screw, to save space. They are made of different material, this is wood and metal and plastic and even all kinds of combinations from them.
Let’s move on to the most important thing – this is heating, the most economical and reliable, is a variety of pellet boilers. Their main difference is the appearance and set of functions. If you are a supporter of economy class, FACI boilers will suit you. The minimum package includes: automatic ignition function, digital panel and second circuit for hot water supply. Grandeg boilers differ in high quality and efficiency, and the set of functions is more expanded in them. A distinctive feature of TKAN boilers is their ability to use different types of fuel. It can be coal wood and granules directly compressed from sawdust, called pellets. They are also equipped with a digital control panel, a built -in turboizer, which increases the boiler efficiency as much as possible and the minimum noise level during the boiler operation.
Due to their versatility, pellet boilers are an alternative to electric and gas heating, due to low cost.