The times were passed when the lack of water for a country house was a completely normal phenomenon. Today, people are not used to denying themselves comfort, so most of the wooden houses under construction are equipped with a water supply. The water supply system of wood from wood should be planned at the stage of designing a dwelling.
This is obligated by the phenomenon called the shrinkage of the foundation. It is also necessary to process the contact places of wooden structural elements with aquifers with special means, in order to avoid putrefactive processes and mold formation. It is also important to choose high -quality pipes. The choice of pipes is a separate topic worthy of an entire article, so we will not focus on it in detail. We will only say that today there are many universal and inexpensive pipes on the market today, which can be considered a worthy option, PE100 for example.
I must say that there are two main wiring options to the water supply house. In the first case, pipes are carried out directly through the foundation or under it. It is important to remember that the pipes should be at a certain depth, which will prevent freezing and the following accident. The second option – laying through a special pipe in the foundation of the building. It is advisable to do this with a deep arrangement of the foundation.
The problem with the source of nutrition of water can also be solved in different ways. If the house is located next to the public water supply, then, of course, it is more advisable to use it. This will help get rid of a fair share of trouble. In the absence of a central water supply, it is possible to use other water sources, such as wells or artesian sources. Of course, in this case it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists. Firstly, to analyze water for suitability for use. It is required to be responsible to the examination, because your health depends on this. It must be remembered that not every source of water is safe. Secondly, it is important to correctly build a well, and it is not easy to do it yourself. Therefore, it is better to entrust this work to professionals.