Lightning protection is installed in the complex: outside and inside the house. It would seem that the house is well protected by external lightning protection. Everything is correctly installed. The lightning receiver stands, as it should be on the skate of the roof, all the bends from it are fixed and connected to the ground. Lightning should be caught and neutralized in bad weather. But, it wasn’t there. If the zipper enters the house, of course, it will go into the ground, with good lightning, it will not have another way out. But, the discharge may not touch your house, but hit somewhere nearby. Power lines will transmit the excess of super -flow to your home electronics. The conductor in the house catches a high impulse, there is a jump in the tension, and you do not have more TV.
Protection against lightning
To prevent unforeseen situations during a thunderstorm, it is necessary to establish lightning protection and inside the house. For this, electric shields in the house are supplied with additional devices – modular devices. They will prevent overstrain in the mains. Steppervisor limiters (OPN) are similar to standard circuit breakers, which are automatically disconnected. The difference is that the OPN does not have a shutdown lever. The device is mounted between the phase or between the zero wire and grounding. What happens when a super -flow enters the electric network? Overvoltage occurs in the network, but thanks to the OPN, the load is redistributed and excess energy goes through the zero protective conductor (re) to the ground.
To protect against lightning, the OPN of classes “B”, “C”, “D” is installed. In order for the house inside to be well protected, it is necessary to install all three types of limiters.
Class “B” is installed on an introductory distribution shield of the house. It prevents the overstrain, which is caused by a lightning blow to the house. If the discharge fell into the lightning receiver, but, nevertheless, there was a danger of a voltage jump in the mains, then the class “B” limiter will protect the equipment of the main electric shield.
If the OPN “B” nevertheless missed some overvoltage, then the jump will catch the OPN “C”. It is installed in apartment counters. It protects the wiring from the entrusted communication or atmospheric overstresses already inside the apartment. Class “D” is usually installed in the electrical device itself. It captures the remnants of the electric supervisory.
Each type of limiter is the addition of another class of OPN. If you put only the OPN “D”, then the high discharge of the lightning that came to the house on communication wires will easily get into home wiring. So that the house is reliably protected from the direct hit of the zipper and from the pointed suprampuls, you should use the OPN of all three types.