Heavy concrete differs from the lung with a larger volumetric mass and density. So, the density of gas – or foam concrete is no more than 1800 kg per m. cube., and heavy concrete (granite, limestone, basalt) – 2500 kg per m. cube. Heavy concrete of sedentary and hard. Therefore, they are usually prepared in turbine concrete mixers. And for the formation of products, a forced seal is used – double vibration, pressing and vibration with a load. By the way, on the site – on sale again, ruptes for cars to which you can attach the trailer appeared. Heavy concrete is relatively fast, but to give them greater strength use additional heat treatment.
In the construction of private houses, blocks made by their heavy concrete are used to lay a massive and strong foundation that can withstand a significant load of walls and roofs. Steel reinforcement gives additional strength to these blocks. But for the construction of walls, heavy blocks are used very rarely, since they are very massive and heavy.
Exception – cottages with a collapsible formwork system and monolithic walls. In this type of construction, it is precisely heavy concrete. The cost of such houses is quite large, so construction is justified only when building an entire village.