Housing owners still love wood parquet. But not everyone knows how to make the right choice. Let’s try to understand those points that are important when buying a parquet.
First of all, the parquet board should fit well into the interior that you planned. Release the parquet one-, two – and three -lane. Three -lane most economical option. The most expensive parquet is a single -lane.
The price of a parquet board is affected by the number of knots and bumps. Therefore, you should not buy it in absentia by the catalog, because you can see the actual quality and appearance only with your own eyes.
The quality of the finished sex is also affected by the surface where the board will be laid. It should be perfectly even. If there are irregularities, then the magicians can rise, cracks and creaks will appear.
Humidity affect the durability of sex, and therefore the time of the year. Some wooden breeds are very sensitive to humidity level. This, first of all, applies to Buk and Grab. If you want to make the right choice, then it is best to go to the Par KY board you can buy high -quality parquet.
Parquet is attractive and that it can be laid on a warm floor. The tree is very resistant to heat, not to warp, does not change the appearance.
Parquet board has three layers. Lower layer – pressed wooden rails. Here they use pine or spruce. The second layer is also a pressed pine. These two layers give the board resistance to deformation. The appearance of the floor and its resistance to physical effects will depend on the upper layer.
When choosing the floor color, take into account the size of the room. The light board will increase the room well, and the dark will make it much less.
Be sure to study the manufacturer’s recommendations. So your floor will retain the appearance longer. The variety of goods produced can say about the seriousness of the manufacturer.