Passwords are one of the weakest points in cybersecurity. Users often create passwords that are easy to remember. Therefore, it is easy for attackers to guess them using special programs.
Using the same password for several accounts, you expose your data to even greater risk, because having obtained the credentials from one site, attackers will be able to log into your other accounts.
Choose strong passwords that are difficult to guess. A strong password has the following properties:
Long: at least 12 characters, ideally even more.
Complex: contains uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as special characters and numbers.
Not obvious: the password does not use consecutive numbers (1234) and personal information that is easy to find out or find on the Internet: your birthday, pet’s name, and so on.
Random: does not contain memorable keyboard shortcuts.
In this case, using a password manager can be useful. Password managers help you create strong passwords, store them in a digital vault protected by a single master password, and automatically fill them in when you log into your accounts.