When designing a wooden house, errors are made quite often, and they have to face them after the construction is completed. Therefore, it is important to provide some points that you may encounter during construction.
The biggest mistake is the savings, few people know what can be saved on the construction of a wooden house, and what is better not to save. Often incorrectly selected materials that are cheaper leading to the fact that the project is weak. The case is not only saving on the cost of materials, but also saving on qualified labor.
First of all, during the construction of a wooden house, it is necessary to take care of the project, initially you need to know what dimensions the house will be and how much building materials will be needed. It is worth noting that the construction of houses made of wood and brick differs at all stages from the arrangement of the foundation to the device of the roof.
When choosing a foundation for a wooden house, it is not necessary to choose the arrangement of an ultra -strength foundation, but it is important to take into account that the foundation will be squeezed out over time, this will lead to the movement of the walls, which will subsequently show itself on the walls of the structure, the logs in some cases may even crack. When arranging the foundation, you should always think through the drainage system, since you need to remove water from the foundation in any structure.
When erecting walls, it is important to take into account the quality of materials, if you take all types of materials, then glued beam is considered the best, since thanks to modern technologies this material has excellent properties. When arranging walls, an error is sometimes allowed, and they are embroidered not as necessary, this leads to blowing subsequently. The smaller the gaps in the walls, the better the heat in a wooden house is preserved.
On the roof of the building, with improper construction, “cold bridges” may form, they also adversely affect the atmosphere in the house in winter. Such bridges arise exclusively at the junction of the rafters to get rid of this problem, additional rafters are often used here or the attic ceiling is slightly released and complemented by insulation.
The main problems that can be encountered during the construction of a wooden house are unprofessionalism of builders and on saving funds when purchasing building materials, and problems may also arise when choosing an insufficiently thought -out project.