Each person, faced with repairs, also implies the replacement of windows, but not everyone understands the features of this business. After all, buying a window is one thing, and acquire another important element is a windowsill, it is also one of the main ones, one of the most important cases. Your windowsill can be made and made, from what materials you want, since there is nothing complicated in this.
It can be an ordinary tree, plastic, as well as a stone, no matter what it is – natural or artificial. Also easy to do for this and such materials as chipboard and MDF. The main function of the windowsill is to prevent the fact that the condensate of your apartment, which is formed on the window products of your apartment, does not occur on the walls and gender of your apartment. But not every person acquiring a windowser of stone understands that he not only cannot perform his direct functions, his direct duties, but performs a decorative function. So its content in the apartment does not make sense, since its cost is high and unjustified.