The main area of use of tiles is the roof of the roofs, and among other materials, ceramic tiles are a symbol of well -being and prosperity. In production, the main material is clay, to increase the resistance of which it is mixed with other varieties of clay. After mixing, a homogeneous mass is obtained, from which a tile form is further made. Then, at a certain temperature, it is burned, and in the end, a whole monotonous surface with a uniformly distributed color is obtained.
Now the building materials market is present by different types of tiles, the difference of which is for the most part only in appearance. All species have the following identical characteristics: refractory, high strength, thermal insulation, resistance to aggressive compounds, high noise absorption, and vapor permeability. The last quality is especially distinguished by tiles, since not every roofing material can now boast. In addition, it is worth noting that ceramic tiles are not amenable to corrosion, and is not capable of accumulating static electricity.
The main types of ceramic tiles include: glazed, natural and Angobilized. The last type of ceramic tile deserves a separate and more thorough consideration. First of all, it is worth noting that they get this type of tile mixing clay in the form of powder and water. In the water, at the same time, mineral components are pre -added, the role of which is to give a certain shade to the product. After the manufacture of the main form, the composition with Angobes is applied over the material itself, and then firing at high temperature. This technology allows you to get high -strength material.