Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev was not engaged in roofing works. He had a different path for the glory of the Fatherland. Now we use his achievements in the field of chemistry.
One of the best roof material
Among the many other chemical elements of the Mendeleev table, we remembered no more than twenty from the school bench. But faced with the practical use of roof installation, they remembered two very important and unique metal from the above table. This is zinc and copper. These metals in the table under numbers 30 and 29, respectively. If we make the same table of irreplaceable metals to perform roofing work, then we think that zinc would be mentioned at number “1”, and copper under the number “2”. It may be like a joke, but in real life these two metal, like a find for those who know a lot about roofing materials and the installation of a roof.
When the element acts on copper, it protects itself with a patina, which, if they are damaged, ensures strength and resistance to corrosion in almost any environment. During the life cycle of the building, copper, as a rule, is one of the most affordable competitive building material. Copper has a low thermal expansion coefficient (0.0168mm/m/degree c), which is approximately 40% less than zinc and lead. This means that copper gutter can be installed without the need to install compensators on a continuous straight line up to 100 meters. Когда крепятся медные кронштейны, пластичность и податливость настолько хороша, что легким движением из-за теплового расширения и сжатия, металл легко адаптируется и не вызывает такие проблемы, как коробление и растрескивание, которые могут возникнуть при монтаже других типов мягких материалов.
Copper is compatible with cedar fights, lead, cast iron. Copper gutters can be used as storm drains for concrete tiles. Copper cannot be used on a flat bitumen roof, where planting can lead to a high concentration of acid. Copper drains cannot be fixed with zinc, or aluminum fasteners, since copper will cause corrosion of another metal. With a growing awareness of environmental problems and a growing problem for the health and safety of builders during the construction and maintenance of buildings, copper-more than ever the most economically effective roofing material.