To date, the most common material for the construction of country houses has become a profiled timber. This fact is due to the fact that the beam, like the log, has high heat conservation.
There will always be a comfortable temperature in such a house, it will be warm in winter, and in the summer it is cool. Broice houses have a high level of environmental friendliness, as they are being built from natural natural material. In addition, the beam is much superior to the log in the speed of erection of the house.
This aspect is based on the fact that in the production of the beam, the processing process is underway and is supplied as a finished product. That is, when erecting a house, it is not necessary to adjust the logs to each other. Logs are simply laid on each other according to the principle of log house as a constructor. The construction of a house 10 by 10 meters can be carried out in less than a day.
Today, many companies are engaged in the production of timber and the construction of turnkey houses. However, it is quite difficult to find real professionals. But there are such companies, one of them is WoodPlace. Services for the construction of houses and timber can be ordered on the website of WoodPlace, you can also get detailed consultations of specialists regarding the construction of a country house.
Logs are not only more convenient when erecting than a regular log, it also has a number of useful qualities. For example, special processing allows you to protect the beam from quick fire, rot and formation of mold on it. Special impregnations allow you to protect the log from various parasites.