According to Feng Shui, each part of the house affects the character and fate of each person.
Southwestern zone
This is the area of relations of the couple. There should be elements in pairs. In order to establish good relations in the family, place crystal here, some small objects made of stone and candles. This zone helps to improve relations with a partner until they become more harmonious, creates miracles of love, helps spouses find mutual understanding. Here you can place stones, pieces of metal (these can be rings), green leaves and flowers, flat bowls or glass vases, floating candles in clean water.
Stones and metal objects placed at the bottom of the vase can be poured with water, on the surface of which leaves, flowers and lit candles will swim. The most important thing is to put such a bowl in the southwest corner of the room.
Tip: In the field of love there should not be images and objects that remind you of your previous partners.
Here the emphasis is on objects related to creativity. Hobby items, books, paintings or a small metal object – for example, a ball that enhances creative potential and helps children be smarter and better.
This area is responsible for your friends and acquaintances who support you outside your home. It would be wonderful if a kitchen or living room were located in this area. But if there is some other room of your home, then you must find a place for guests. The outside world must support you, like you. It is never known who and how will help you in life, so each guest is important for your home.
It is important to remember: the characters can be repeated, but you must place them where it is appropriate and convenient. Put a symbol of health – a tree in the darkest corner of your room, even if it is not the eastern region of your home.
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